5 Recipes to Boost Your Immunity

1. Asian Inspired Chicken Soup

We all know that chicken soup has always been our mother’s favorite homemade remedy! Turns out, it’s not just an old wive’s tale. When making this soup, look for a bone broth at your grocery store instead of regular chicken broth. (You can also make your own! Try this recipe.)

Bone broth is rich in minerals that support the immune system. Not to mention, the collagen in bone broth helps to reduce intestinal inflammation. Bone broth also contains lipids, which are vital for the production of white blood cells.

We love Eating Well’s Asian-Inspired take on Chicken Soup that is full of fresh veggies like cabbage, mushrooms, broccoli, onions and leeks.

Get the recipe from Eating Well here.

2. Beet Hummus

Hummus is already packed with lots of healthy benefits, and helps to reduce inflammation, which is the root cause of many chronic diseases. Chickpeas (what hummus is made from) have also been shown to have protective properties against cancer and help to keep harmful bacteria out of your digestive system.

Take up the immune system boosting benefits up a notch by adding beets to your hummur. Beets have lots of vitamin C, folate and iron that help to keep you healthy.

Get the recipe from Food Network here.

3. Carrot-Orange Juice

Carrots and oranges are a color-coordinated match made in immune system heaven! Carrots contain lots of beta carotene, which is a powerful phytonutrient that boosts your immune system’s infection fighting cells. They are also an excellent source of vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6. Oranges contain 116.2 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. The powerful punch of this vitamin is key when it comes to fighting off colds.

Blending these two together in a delicious juice is an easy way to get tons of nutrients in just one glass. Make sure you drink your juice as soon as possible after making it so you get the most value from the vitamins and nutrients.

Get the recipe from Food Network here.

4. Ginger Peanut Tofu Curry

This recipe from Homespun Capers is packed with flu-fighting, immune-boosting ingredients. As noted by the recipe author, Liberty, ginger is usually used to help with digestion, but it’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial nature helps to raise circulation and cleanse your blood. It has a history of being used for medicinal purposes.

The curry is packed with protein – which is a nutrient that will help protect your body from bacteria, viruses and other germs.

Get the recipe here.

5. Best Tomato Soup Ever

Tomatoes have 3 major antioxidant vitamins – beta-carotene, and vitamins C & E. These help to protect cells against damage from free radicals, which are detrimental to your immune system. They also contain lycopene (which has been proven to be one of the most potent antioxidants), folate and lots of micronutrients.

Everyone loves a good tomato soup during the fall and winter months, and we’ve found one of the best from The Food Network.

Get the recipe here.