- Acupuncture
- Audiometry Exam (Hearing Test)
- Breath Alcohol Tests (BAT)
- Chiropractic Care
- COVID19 Testing
- Drug Testing
- Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)
- Immunizations & Vaccinations
- Laboratory
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Pre-Employment Physicals
- On Site Radiology/X-ray Services
- Specialist Referrals
- USCIS Exams and Services (Immigration/INS)
Medical Center of Marin realizes that providing patients with the best care available requires having the right equipment to do so. Therefore, Medical Center of Marin offers convenient on-site Radiology/X-ray services.
An x-ray examination uses an electrical device to emit (put out) x-rays and digital technology to create two-dimensional pictures of internal body structures. This test is particularly useful in diagnosing conditions or diseases that affect the bones and chest. A conventional x-ray is non-invasive, painless and does not require any recovery time.
From sprains to broken bones and everything in between, Medical Center of Marin can service your most urgent injuries. No need to pay outrageous Emergency Room fees for an X-ray, we’ve got you covered! Our radiographic studies are over read by U.S. based, board certified radiologists.